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- Question: I just heard about RESCUE-NET. Is it too late to participate?
Answer: No, it is not too late! We would love to have you join the network. Let us know what you are interested in, if you would like to contribute to a particular committee, or if there are particular projects you want to know more about, or if you have new ideas you would like to propose. Go to the “Contact Us” tab and enter your information.
- Question: If I join do I have to participate in everything?
Answer: You will be able to participate at the level that works best for you and your students. For example, maybe one year you will be teaching a course that could include a RESCUE-NET CURE and another year you will take the lead on a multi-site research project. Alternatively, there could be years where you and your students do not participate in any component of RESCUE-Net. Regardless, we would like you to contribute to the network and become part of the RESCUE-Net family.
- Question: Is it OK to participate if I don’t have expertise in the topic?
Answer: Yes! This is an opportunity to learn along with your students. One of goals of this network is to provide faculty with opportunities to share expertise and to learn new approaches and techniques!
- Question: I really want to connect to others who work in my research area. Can I do that through RESCUE-NET?
Answer: Yes! We have designed ways to meet others in your field such as through this website, informal gatherings, workshops, and scientific meetings. We are hoping that together you will design interesting and feasible conservation research that students can participate in.
- Question: I am concerned that my students will not participate in the multi-site research projects if they don’t have transportation.
Answer: We have funds for travel and do not expect anyone to incur any costs for participating in any component of RESCUE-Net. In addition, many projects will occur near their campus, and when travel is required, project leaders and student mentors will have plans in place to facilitate travel as a group. One of the goals of RESCUE-Net is to be able to conduct multi-site experiments through collaboration, while simultaneously limiting / reducing travel between sites.
- Question: My students won’t be able to participate unless there is some kind of stipend.
Answer: We have stipends for students and faculty who participate in the MUREs and MSRPs. One of our goals is to make sure that students do not have to decided between working another job or participating in science.
- Question: How will learning outcomes be assessed?
Answer: For every CURE, MURE and MSRP, a rubric for learning outcomes will be developed and a plan for assessment. If you have an interest or expertise in this field, please consider joining the Assessment committee.
- Question: When will the CUREs, MUREs and MSRPs start?
Answer: All projects begin in the Fall of each academic year. See the CURE, MSRP, and MURE project pages for ongoing and proposed projects for this and past academic years.
- Question: How can I join?
Answer: Go to the “Contact Us” tab and enter your information. You will be contacted to let you know when discussions/meetings/workshops are occurring. We look forward to meeting you!