Helen Holmlund
My students and I study plant response to drought and fire. We are especially interested in fern desiccation tolerance and post fire ecology of chaparral shrubs. Photos
My students and I study plant response to drought and fire. We are especially interested in fern desiccation tolerance and post fire ecology of chaparral shrubs. Photos
Research in the Jacobsen lab focuses on plant vascular structure and function using methods in plant anatomy, ecology, and physiology. We often employ a comparative community approach to test long standing questions in plant evolution and ecology, with a focus…
Our research focuses on understanding how and why local biotas are changing, and how such changes directly and indirectly influence ecosystem level processes and properties. Photos
My research addresses understanding the mechanisms underlying plant responses to global change, including drought, heat waves, and vapor pressure deficit. I focus on California native shrubs and tropical rainforest trees. Photos
We study the eco-physiological responses of plants to environmental stresses (primarily water limitations) at the leaf and whole plant levels, with the goal of understanding how plant populations will adjust to a changing climate. Photos