Population Ecology

Joel Abraham

Our lab focuses work in two main areas: 1) supporting biology learning at the K-16 level through computer-based instruction and assessment and support of student psychosocial factors and 2) studying edaphic factors in plant invasion success in arid and semi-arid…

View Collaborator ProfileJoel Abraham

Steve Adolph

My students and I study lizard ecology in southern California, including physiological, behavioral and population ecology. We work in the field and the lab, and also do some mathematical and computer modeling. Current projects involve (1) assessing effects of climate…

View Collaborator ProfileSteve Adolph

Jim Blauth

Surveying & monitoring plants and wildlife (primarily mammals, also birds & reptiles) in open space reserves in and around Redlands, CA. Passive and active ecological restoration of grassland, interior sage scrub, and chaparral ecosystems. Currently starting a multi-year experiment comparing…

View Collaborator ProfileJim Blauth

Ed Bobich

The people in my lab study the physiological, morphological, and anatomical responses of plants to drought and differences in elevation and aspect. Photos Areas of Interest Click on an ecological interest, taxonomic foci, or course label below to get a…

View Collaborator ProfileEd Bobich

Kinsey Brock

Our lab studies how human activities, urbanization, and climate change shape reptile and amphibian biology. We are particularly interested in behavioral, morphological, physiological, and genetic changes in herps associated with city landscapes. Photos

View Collaborator ProfileKinsey Brock

Charlotte Chang

My research combines theoretical and statistical models and broadly focuses on socio-ecological systems to improve conservation science and practice. I develop models and methods for researchers and practitioners to quantify how different stakeholders interact with the environment, ranging from digital…

View Collaborator ProfileCharlotte Chang

Dave Daversa

My research program examines the ecological consequences of stressors fueled by global change (e.g. infectious disease, extreme weather, human disturbance). The work asks how wild animals respond behaviorally and physiologically to stressors and assesses how those responses lead to demographic…

View Collaborator ProfileDave Daversa

Kate Hill

Kate Hill is an Instructional Assistant Professor who teaches CURE-based laboratories in introductory biology, Ecosystem Ecology and Ecology. She earned her PhD in Marine Biology and has also trained as an educator in K-12. Kate is deeply committed to ensuring…

View Collaborator ProfileKate Hill

Javier Monzon

Research in the Monzón Laboratory focuses on the ecology, behavior, and evolution of animals living on the edge. We examine the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of geographic range limits in various animals. We also investigate the genetic differences that…

View Collaborator ProfileJavier Monzon

Darren Sandquist

We study the eco-physiological responses of plants to environmental stresses (primarily water limitations) at the leaf and whole plant levels, with the goal of understanding how plant populations will adjust to a changing climate. Photos

View Collaborator ProfileDarren Sandquist

Dave Smith

I study patterns of genetic variation in plants and the causes of that variation. Further, I study the consequences of plant genetic variation on the surrounding community. For example, I am currently setting up an experiment to study genetic variation…

View Collaborator ProfileDave Smith